10mm, 1/150 or N guage

It seems an ideal scale for modern wargames, small enough to have believable distances but big enough to be recognised. Also affordable

From the earliest time models have been used to explain and represent the larger world but this creates theoretical and practical challenges, which are a large part of the fun!

Red3 figures are scaled at 10mm foot to eye, fixing the height is compromise as people vary in height by 10% due to a wide range of factors. It is generaly less distracting and “tidier” to have the figures in a scene the same size.

Artists have traditionally sculpted figures using an armature, this frame supports and defines the size of the figure from the start as material is added. Modelmakers working on a range miniature figures will tend to use a few basic armatures to maintain consistency across the range, these are normally defined by the height from the foot to the eye: 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 25mm, 28mm and so on.

US infantry for the 1960 mto 1980s photographed on a 5mm grid

When designing models at this scale some features need to be exaggerated for practical and aesthetic reasons. If features are too thin and they become fragile and hard to cast. Features we need to regonise such as weapons look unrealistic. There are 3 basic tests; 1.Height, 10mm foot to eye 2. Castability v accuracy, do they look like they would fit in the vehicles 3. Can you recognise their Nationality and role with the naked eye.

Vehicles are easier, they are 1/150 or approximately British N gauge. This means there is a lot of affordable scenery availabe from model railway suppliers.

Red3 Models are photographed on a 5mm grid to help judge size

There are variations of as much as 3% due to the modelling and mastering process, the casting process can also vary by as much as 3% due to shinkage, temperature and pressure. As part of research I have checked products by major global brands (no names) and they can easily be 5% off scale. A number of 1/144 plastic models are in fact 1/150.

Compatibility ?

Will these models go with other manufacturers and other hobby areas?
The general guidline holds true that it is best not to mixed manufacturers within units because any variation will be more pronounced. The only real answer is to buy a sample and test it.

*Aircraft are intentionally modelled at 1/144 to be compatable with the large range of plastic model kits available.