Arab States 1948-1991Britain WW2
25pdrQF Mk2 (gun x 2 and crew x3)
The 25pdr QF mk2 entered Commonwealth service in 1942, the muzzle brake reduced recoil when firing Anti-tank ammunition. The gun remained in UK service until 1967. The Quad tractor and limber where gradually phased out in favour of 3t trucks. It continued in widespread use post WW2, seeing action in the Middle east and India. (Quad not included)
New releasesSoviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
The BMP-3 entered service in 1987 using a unique 100mm low velocity gun/missile launcher. The turret also has a coaxial MG and 30mm cannon capable of engaging light armour and slow aircraft. There is a crew of 3 and room for 6 passengers. It can be made amphibious with minor preparation. Approximately 2000 built and models exported to Eastern Bloc …
Germany 1939-45New releases
StuH 42
StuH 42 assault gun, based on the Panzer III chassis with a 105mm gun to provide support to infantry units. These had limited AT ability using a HEAT shell. They served on all fronts from late 1942 approximately 1300 built.
Arab States 1948-1991Germany 1939-45
Stug III G
Stug III G assault gun, based on the Panzer III chassis, this combination of the Panzer III hull and long 75mm gun created a deadly defensive weapon able to destroy allied tanks from a distance while hidden. These served on all fronts from late 1942-45. Post war the Stug III went on to be used by Czechs upto the …
Germany 1939-45New releases
Panzer 3 ausf N
Panzer III medium tank, the Ausf N was a last production version with the L24 75mm infantry gun. These served through to the end of the war in decreasing numbers as production stopped in late 43
Germany 1939-45New releases
Panzer 3 ausf J/L/M
Panzer III medium tank, the Ausf L/M was a late production version with the L60 50mm AT gun. These served in N. Africa, Italy and Russia from 1941-4.
Germany 1939-45New releases
PAK-40 75mm gun and crew (1x gun deployed, 1x gun on tow)
PAK-40 75mm anti-tank gun, this robust and effect gun entered service in 1943. Light, simple and able to penetrate almost any Allied armour it could be towed by lorry or half-track. 23000 built. It continued in used post WW2 with Eastern bloc Nations, Austria, Portugal and North Vietnam
Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
The P version was a 1979 update that replaced the ageing Sagger ATGM with a launching post for the Spigot/Spandrel ATGM on the turret roof. The improved system came with the disadvantage that the gunner was exposed to fire. The NBC and fire protection was also improved. The turret retained the low velocity GROM 73mm gun
Arab States 1948-1991Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
122mm Gun D30 (1x towed 1x deployed)
The Soviet D30 122mm gun has been produced from 1960 to the present. The D30 has a distinctive 3 leg base and is towed by the barrel. This gun has proved rugged and popular, still in use with many Nations around the globe. ( 1 deployed with 3 crew and 1 in towing configuration).
Arab States 1948-1991
Egyptian supply carts (x2)
Supply carts developed by Egypt to support the leading troops as they crossed the Suez Canal in 1973. approximately 2000 of these were constructed. Each cart allowed 2 men to haul up to 350kg of Weapons, food, ammunition and water to front line 1-3 miles from the Canal until bridges could be put in place. These are very similar to …
Arab States 1948-1991Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
Eastern-bloc assault boats (x2)
An Eastern-bloc assault boat that could be paddled or pulled across rivers and water obstacles. These and other designs were used by Egypt to cross the Suez canal in 1973, very similar to WW2 designs, a simple 1 part inflated hull ( 2x boat with 6 crew )
Arab States 1948-1991Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
UAZ 452 Van “the loaf”
Soviet van produced from the 1965 to the present. A successful multipurpose 4×4? used as ambulance, maintainace truck, military police and general transport. Nicnamed “the loaf” for it’s shape or “the Pill” in the case of the Ambulance.
Arab States 1948-1991Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
Airborne GAZ 66 truck
Soviet truck first designed and built in 1966, since then almost 1 million have been produced until production ceased in 1999. This is the paratrooper airborne version, which could be parachuted. The folding screen and roof allowed loading into aircraft.
Soviet Union WW2
76mm ZIS-3 Divisional gun and crew (1x gun deployed, 1x gun on tow)
Manufactured from 1941 the ZIS-3 divisional gun gave admirable service during WW2 and the Korean and Vietnam wars. It was significantly lighter than other contempory designs and proved a capable AT gun and artillery piece.
Soviet Union WW2
Soviet Assault Engineers WW2 (x10)
Soviet assault engineers where specialists trained to overcome fortifications and defences. They characteristically wore heavy steel body armour to protect them from shrapnel and SMG bullets. 10 figures from 3 poses; flamethrower, satchel charge and SMG.
Soviet Union WW2
Soviet SMG sections, WW2 (x20)
As World War 2 progressed the Soviet Union began to deploy companies and sometimes whole Battalions equiped with SMGs such as the PPSH, replacing all rifles. This gave such units tremendous firepower at close range. Squads still retained the DP28 LMG to give supporting fire.? ?20 figures are picked from 7 poses to form approximately 2 sections.
Arab States 1948-1991Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
100mm T12 anti-tank gun
T12 100mm smoothbore anti-tank gun, the Soviet Union continued to use and develop AT guns when most countries had given up the idea. These 3ton, 10m long monsters needed to be towed by the tracked MT-LB or large all terrain truck. The T12 gun saw use in the Arab Israeli conflicts and can still be found in armies around the …
Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
Soviet Infantry Fighting Vehicle developed in the light of experience in the YomKippur war of 1973. The BMP-1 performance showed certain weaknesses that the BMP-2 was designed to correct.? The 1 man GROM gun turret was replaced with a 2 man turret with a powerfull 30mm autocannon which could be could be used again a variety of targets. The Sagger …
Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
Spetsnaz, SVD Paratroopers 1960-80s (x20)
These represent soviet troops in beret, suitable for various Spetnaz; paratroopers, marines or internal security forces from 1960-80s.? 20 figures picked from 8 poses to form approximately 2 sections. Includes a radioman and observer.
Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
BRM-K1 (Recce BMP-1 with radar)
Based on the BMP-1 Infantry Fighting Vehicle, this reconnaissance vehicle has built in ground radar and a extra radio equipment. A larger turret with a manualy loaded GROM 73mm gun. This new turret allowed room for the commanded and better optics. The crew consist of: Driver, gunner commander and 3 technicians.
Arab States 1948-1991Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
GAZ 66 and Twin 23mm cannon technical
This rugged 2t truck has been exported around the globe with many appearing in the news as “technicals” locally modified with heavy weapons such as the ZU 23-2 twin 23mm cannon with 2000rpm rate off fire. This combination forms an effective and cheap weapons system for regular and irregular forces. The Soviet truck was designed and built in 1966, since …
Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
Soviet Motor Rifle Infantry 1960-80s (x20)
Buy the 1960s almost all Soviet infantry was motorised and had become “Motor Rifles” carried into battle in one of the BTR’s or a BMP’s. These are depicted wearing the Ssh 68 helmet, Kirza jackboot and light marching order.? The troops are armed with: AK47 rifle, PK MG, Draganov sharpshooter rifle and RPG-7. the 20 figures are picked from 8 …
Arab States 1948-1991Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
ZU 23-2 Anti-aircraft gun (2 pairs)
This Soviet light AA gun developed in 1955 is also used as a devastating ground support weapon. The twin 23mm cannon are aimed and fired manually. The gun can be towed by jeep, light truck or mounted “portee”? to form a “technical” as often seen in news fotage. Used in dozens of conflicts since the 1950s to the present day. …
Arab States 1948-1991Soviet Eastern Block 1945-1991
PMP pontoon bridge, Kraz Truck
Soviet Pontoon or Ribbon Bridge, this innovative design was notably used by Egyptian engineers to bridge the Suez Canal during the Yom Kippur war of 1973. The 150m wide canal was bridged in 2 hrs using this system, allowing tanks to cross. The massive all-terrain Kraz trucks were used in many other functions including artillery tractor and heavy transport. The …
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